Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Chapter 1 (part 5)

There's was no way I was wrong. The eyes, the face, the feeling when I see him.  I stood up and he was about to pass me the papers but then I saw him actually reading them. He slightly touched my hand, it was strange. I was really shy at that moment. ''Do you know how to read Ottoman language?'' I nodded like I was saying yes. ''Impressive!'' he said. 


Sometımes Ι feel like i want to be a part of a song...
Get into it
Become a note and be flowing like a stream
Sound like water in an extacy
How amazing can this be?
Truly enjoying existence
Spirit rising

Suddenly Explode and fall like a million stars

Saturday, 2 April 2016

Chapter 1 (part 4)

  I got into the building, there was a lot going on around me, but I was 5 minutes late so I couldn't keep star- gazing as I used to when I was entering buildings. - I am half Greek, half American so I always have the habbit to analyze things. Greek civilization: sights, hours of plesure while staring at sculptures and buildings. And American: lights, entertainment, distraction. These two are pretty weird together, but at the same time, an amusing combination. Speaking of weird, I have spent 6 years in Istanbul learning the Turkish and Ottoman language, so now that I have returned to Greece I am ready to work as a translator.
  When I arrived at the 3rd floor, where the interview was taking place I was really nervous. "Ace Haritoglu"? I was next. No more time to think. Be strong. You can do this.
  In the interview room was 2 men and 1 woman. They looked very briefly at my resume and then they asked me if I have any experience in translation. I said the truth. "No I don't". Then the woman told me: "Well, then we are sorry but..."
"Please let me ask, do you have a vacancy for an Ottoman language translator"? " Ottoman? Unfortunately, not. "she replied.  I thanked them, and then,  while I was about to leave the building, I decided to stay and take a look around instead. Something I couldn' t do when I first came. It was a 1965's structure with old but well preserved wall paintings of Turkish Palaces and sea views. Going by one of them I suddenly fell into somebody and all my files fell out of my hands, on the light blue floor. It was weird. I suddenly had a flashback of the lake-falling dream. I instantly shaked my head to clear  the thought and I looked up to the guy that was helping me. Dear Lord... it was him!This couldn' t be a dream. I was sure of it!


Sunday, 13 March 2016

Chapter 1 (part 3)

  We were both speechless. In the place of grass was a big bright blue lake, the bed of which wasn't visible. Suddenly, we felt someone behind us. Before we manage to see the face of his, the stranger pushed us hard so as to fall into the lake. I didn't know how to hold my breath so I said to myself: That's how I' m gonna die. I was so afraid.
   Next thing I remember is waking up soaked. I immediately run to the back yard. No one was there. Everything seemed normal. I thought to myself : My God! What's wrong with me! Was that a dream too? I never want to sleep again! I have to be concentrated. Tomorrow is my big interview. I can't lose this one. So, I will go and dring a tone of coffeε. It is already 5 in the morning and my apointment is at 9. There's no other way for me to endure without caffeine!
   Eight o'clock and I was ready for my big break. It was a very good position at a translation office.
By the way, in case you are wondering my name is Ace, it's Anglo-saxon and it means Unity. I have no idea why I got it, but that's it. You will probably be confused by now, well I am too! I can't understand why everytime platonic love seems more right to me than casual love-if I can put it like this. I am 25 and not once in my life did I have a relashionship that ended good. I gave everything that a human can possibly give, but none of them appreciated it. I cryied a lot, knowing that it has to end.
   It' s been about 2 months now that I am having these strange dreams. I feel like I' m off function. It' s the first time in my life I feel so weird. I am wondering day and night, what these images of me and this man that has haunted me, mean. Will I ever find the answer?

Saturday, 27 February 2016

Chapter 1 (part 2)

  I took a deep breath. I slowly turned around. It was definitely him! He looked at me with his unbelievably sparkling eyes and before I  knew he grabbed my hand and put it in his chest. I felt his beating heart. I  was speechless. I didn't know what to do. My dream guy was staring at me and I was staring back at him. He suddenly broke the silence: " Who are you? Why are you keep coming in my dreams? You are real or am I going crazy''?  I answered '' What are you talking about? You are the one that is coming in my dreams. '' And then he said : ''So this is happening to both of us? How is that even possible''? I said: '' I have no idea''.
 Some voice was heard from the back of the house. We both run to see who it was. What we saw at the back yard was beyond fantasy...

To be continued...


Thursday, 25 February 2016


Ξέφυγε στον δικό σου κόσμο...
Μην αντέχεις την αλήθεια...
Τρέξε να κρυφτείς...
Βούτηξε μες την ψυχή του και άρπαξε ό,τι βρεις
Φύγε σαν την κλέφτρα
Και όταν έρθει εκείνος να σε βρει και να σου ζητήσει τα κλεμμένα...
πες του να βυθιστεί μέσα σου  και να βρει τον έρωτα.
Ακόμα κι αν είναι τρέλα, αυτός είναι ο δικός σου κόσμος και
μπορείς να κάνεις οτιδήποτε θελήσεις!



  Ζωή είναι η φύση. Τα αυλάκια και τα δέντρα που σφύζουν από ζωντάνια. Τα πουλιά που τραγουδούν καλώντας όλους εμάς σ’ έναν ατέρμονα χορό της ύπαρξης και της ‘‘φυσικής’’ ζωής. Εμείς όμως δεν ακούμε αυτόν τον υπέροχο ήχο γιατί έχουμε χτίσει φράχτες από τσιμέντο πάνω στα δέντρα. Τα έχουμε θάψει κάτω από τη γη για να χτίσουμε πελώριες πολυκατοικίες και να απομονωθούμε.
  Ανάθεμα κι αν σήμερα γνωρίζει κανείς καλά τον γείτονά του. Τίποτα πιο σπουδαίο δεν υπάρχει σ’ αυτόν τον κόσμο απ’ την επικοινωνία. Αυτήν όμως την έχουν διώξει απ’ τη ζωή τους οι άνθρωποι. Προτιμούν την απομόνωση ,τη μοναξιά. Μια μοναξιά που δεν νιώθεται όσο έχουν ανοιχτή την ολοκαίνουργια πλάσμα τηλεόραση τους. Αλήθεια, ξέρετε από πότε βγήκε η φράση:<< Αυτά συμβαίνουν μόνο στις ταινίες>> ; Από τότε που αρχίσαμε να ζούμε μόνο για τον ψεύτικο κόσμο. Τον κόσμο που μας προσφέρον αυτοί που θέλουν να μας κρατάν στην άγνοια για να μην αντιδρούμε.
  Πως περιμένεις να συμβούν σε σένα αυτά που ‘‘συμβαίνουν μόνο στις ταινίες’’- ή στην τηλεόραση που κυριαρχεί σήμερα δυστυχώς στη ζωή μας- όταν δεν βγαίνεις έξω; Όταν κλείνεσαι και γίνεσαι έρμαιο στα δόντια του οπτικοακουστικού θεάματος;
  Αν δεν βγεις να απολαύσεις τη ζωή, να νιώσεις τον παλμό της νεολαίας, το μόνο που θα καταφέρεις είναι να μεγαλώσεις και να γεράσεις χωρίς να ξέρεις τι είναι ο πραγματικός κόσμος.
  Τα τελευταία χρόνια οι γυναίκες παραπονιούνται ότι οι άνδρες δεν είναι ρομαντικοί αλλά πλήρως άτολμοι. Ότι φοβούνται να βουτήξουν σε άγνωστα νερά. Δεν έχουν αναρωτηθεί όμως τι φταίει. Η πραγματική απάντηση βρίσκεται στο ότι πουθενά στη ζωή τους δεν υπάρχει η φύση.
  Η φύση από μόνη της πάντα εκπληρώνει το σκοπό της. Δεν χρειάζεται τίποτα πρόσθετο για να σε κάνει ευτυχισμένο και πραγματικά σοφό. Όλοι έχουν ανάγκη τη φύση, γιατί εκεί βρίσκεται η ομορφιά και το σκηνικό που όλοι ψάχνουν αλλά δεν μπορούν να το βρουν στον υλικό κόσμο.
  Τα ερεθίσματα που η φύση δίνει, η αίσθηση του καθαρού αέρα και τη μυρωδιά των νυχτολούλουδων κάνουν τον άνθρωπο να θέλει πραγματικά να ζήσει, να αγαπήσει, να γευτεί το άγνωστο. Κυριολεκτικά να μεταμορφωθεί! Όλα αυτά μπορεί να φαντάζουν ουτοπικά αλλά δεν είναι επίσης αστεία γελοίο και ουτοπικό να ψάχνεις να βρεις παλμό σε κάτι άψυχο; Είναι σαν να αναζητάς τον χτύπο της καρδιάς ενός μαρμάρινου αγάλματος. Ενώ, κυριολεκτικά το μόνο που πρέπει να κάνεις για να βρεις τον εαυτό σου και το άλλο μισό είναι να νιώσεις την άχτιστη μαγεία. Εκεί όπου υπάρχουν τα ζωντανά πράγματα. Στη φύση στη ΖΩΗ!!                     




Γράφω την ψυχή μου να ενώνω όταν η έλλειψη σου γίνεται φρικτή.
Ξυπνώ απότομα φωνάζοντας το όνομά σου, τι πλάνη της ψυχής!

Sunday, 31 January 2016

Chapter 1

   It was late at night. I had been trying to sleep but I couldn't. I only kept picturing the previous night's dream . What was that all about? It really was so alive. I felt it in my skin.
   When I finally managed to fall asleep my fantasy became true one more time. I was standing in a big mountain. I was looking at the view.  There was a path of grass that was leading to a big blue lake. As the air was blowing my hair, I started to go down the path. I finally reached the lake when all of the sudden everything went dark. I couldn't see a thing.
   I  woke up. The room had no lights. I tried to  turn the lights on but there was no electricity. I left  my room so as to find some candles, but there were nowhere to be found. I decided to turn back to sleep and that's when I saw a light coming from the garden. So I went out. I couldn't believe in my own eyes. There was a string of lights hanging from the garden's  trees. The whole scene was dreamy. I let myself into this for a moment and then I started thinking how could this happen without any electricity.
   It was 2 minutes later until I realized that there was someone behind me.
To be continued ...

Sunday, 24 January 2016




It is true. I cannot stop thinking about the magical eyes of his. Even when I sleep they come right in front of my face. I am opening my eyes and shake my head. They are gone. And  all of the sudden I feel so alone... Then I turn back to sleep just to see those enormous and beautiful eyes. Now they are looking like peackok' s feathers. I can't catch my breath. My eyes are widdening and he is coming closer. Now I can see him crearly. He is wearing a plain white shirt. I am speechless. My biggest fantasy has come true. He is here. He is looking right into my blue eyes.